Brown and pink is definitely the most popular color scheme among my costumers. Ladies show off their bags to their friends and the next think I know, I have more pink and brown bag orders! This bag was ordered in that way. Thanks, Dawn!
I was so thrilled when I found this brown polka dot fabric and the pink paisley! When I saw them in the store I envisioned what they would look like together in a bag and it's better than what I thought!! The button on this flower is an old button from a collection of buttons that my mom's cousin had. Nothing beats the look of a unique, old button. I love this bag!
Can you post a few pictures of your smaller items...the pocket wallet to be exact?
I have been longing for a Vera bag for so long but cannot bring myself to spend that much on a material item. I bought a quilted bag at AC Moore for $8.
On the tag was but cannot find that site. (That's actually how I found you).
Thanks Theresa
You're welcome, Casey!
When she comes home for Christmas, we'll take a picture of us with our bags!
You do GREAT work! I get so many compliments on the pink & brown bag, and the music bag. I never want to carry anything else!
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